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Derby Girl Day Jobs: Breaking Babz

With only 6 hours of sleep a night our high achieving Breaking Babz gets it done all day long. Not only is she running two successful businesses everyday, she is also an important part of our charter team.

Skater Name: Breaking Babz

Team: The Las Pistolitas & The E-Ville Dead

How long have you been playing derby? 5 years

What made you start derby? I needed an outlet after I could no longer play rugby due to injuries. I wanted something that was full contact and predominantly female focused.

What is your day job? I recently opened Athlete’s Choice Massage which I manage and oversee the day to day, marketing and business development. I also own and work at Edmonton Drafting which I started almost 10 years ago.

How do you balance work life, home life and derby life? It’s tricky to say the least, priorities are key. A human only really needs 6 hours of sleep a day to survive, the rest is what you make of it. Get your tickets for our June 24, 2017 bout and watch the Las Pistolitas take on the Berzerkhers! For more information and to purchase tickets CLICK HERE >>.

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