May Skater of the Month: Magic Wanda
Magic Wanda plays with both the Berzerkhers and the Living Dead. This month's bout just so happens to be on her birthday, and the Living Dead can't wait to celebrate it with her by smashing things up on the flat track!

1. What attracted you to the sport of Roller Derby and what keeps you going?
I watched two games right after I moved to Edmonton in 2011, because my man bought us some tickets. He saw the second game with me and convinced me to buy gear the next day. I started practices the day after that and haven't looked back! I love how, although it's a team sport, I can focus on trying to improve my own performance every time I'm on the track, and compete against myself.
2. How did you come up with your derby name?
I wanted a name that was easy to spell and had a sort of secret meaning. Some people think my name came from Harry Potter, but that's not strictly true, haha. People who are in the know, know.
3. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Tenacious, fierce, sarcastic.
4. Who is your nemesis on the track?
I hate having Hell'on or Tuf Luv in front of me, haha. Their butts have radar.
5. Do you have any pre-game rituals?
My kids also play roller derby, so when any of us have a game we make "game day smoothies" that morning. Also drinking lots of coffee and water.
6. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would play you in the lead role?
Aubrey Plaza.
7. If you could have any super power what would it be?
Super strength.
8. How has Roller Derby Saved your soul?
It gave me something that is just for me - I started derby right before I turned 30, and as a mom I'd sort of lost touch with myself in taking care of everyone around me. I'm extremely fortunate to have a supportive partner who has encouraged me to seek out the things like derby that make me more myself.
9. What do you do when you are not playing Roller Derby?
Weirdly, I knit.
10. Who is your Derby Hero/Role Model?
Sour Cherry, who is menacing on the track and the sweetest person in real life.
Come wish Wanda a happy birthday and watch her play with the Living Dead at our Double Header on May 14! Tickets can be bought online through Brown Paper Tickets.